For the Indian market, Acer has launched its budget tablet running the Android 4.1 Jelly Bean operating system. The 7 inch tablet has been priced at Rs 7999.
This light-weight tablet will weigh around 320 grams only running on the 1.2 GHz dual-core processor. The tablet will be called Iconia B and will add to the Iconia B series.
The tablet has a 512 MB of RAM and 8 GB of storage. You can immediately expand the storage by up to 32 GB with the microSD card. The tablet offers connectivity via Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. The India website does not yet have a specifications page and so detail specification of the tablet is yet not known.
With this budget tablet Acer has jumped into the bandwagon of budget tablets in India. Recently Karbonn also launched a Jelly Bean tablet at a similar price point.