New Delhi: Expanding its DSLR range Canon has launched the EOS 6D DSLR in India. The camera has been priced at Rs 1,66,995.
As per the company release, EOS 6D is the world's lightest full-frame DSLR equipped with a 20.2 megapixel CMOS sensor with precision 11-point AF system and also offers built-in WiFi and GPS support.
EOS 6D allows flexible ISO speed settings of ISO 100 - 25600 and expandable to L: ISO 50, H1: 51200 and H2: 102400 to adjust the camera's sensitivity to light.
The camera has a Built-in WiFi capability that allows EOS 6D to connect to wireless networks at high speeds, allowing it to transfer data quickly to PCs and smartphones and print photos with PictBridge-enabled wireless printers.
EOS Remote, a Smartphone app (iOS / Android), takes advantage of EOS 6D WiFi capabilities by allowing smartphones to control it, allowing users to browse and download images, change shooting modes, adjust focus and even snap a photo.
High sensitivity, high precision built-in GPS in EOS 6D allows users to tag images with GPS coordinates, recall shooting locations and even route travelled with its logging function.
As per the company release, EOS 6D is the world's lightest full-frame DSLR equipped with a 20.2 megapixel CMOS sensor with precision 11-point AF system and also offers built-in WiFi and GPS support.
EOS 6D allows flexible ISO speed settings of ISO 100 - 25600 and expandable to L: ISO 50, H1: 51200 and H2: 102400 to adjust the camera's sensitivity to light.
The camera has a Built-in WiFi capability that allows EOS 6D to connect to wireless networks at high speeds, allowing it to transfer data quickly to PCs and smartphones and print photos with PictBridge-enabled wireless printers.
EOS Remote, a Smartphone app (iOS / Android), takes advantage of EOS 6D WiFi capabilities by allowing smartphones to control it, allowing users to browse and download images, change shooting modes, adjust focus and even snap a photo.
High sensitivity, high precision built-in GPS in EOS 6D allows users to tag images with GPS coordinates, recall shooting locations and even route travelled with its logging function.
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